Feeling Trapped? Needing Rescue?
Jesus offers HOPE
Watch this video below to learn about the message of Hope
If you want to make Jesus your lord and savior
Turn away from your sins. Turn away from the wrong things that you have done and ask God for His forgiveness. Ask God to forgive you of all the times you have done wrong. Admit that you are an imperfect person in need of God to save you and wash you clean from your sins.
Believe and Accept Jesus
We are all imperfect human beings who have messed up and are in need of a Savior. Believe in Jesus. Believe that Jesus came down to earth 2000 years ago to die for yours and my sin and accept that sacrifice. Accept that Jesus did that for you and now you are washed clean of all the junk and filth of your life. Make Him your personal Lord and Savior, no longer choosing to live by what your desires are, but instead choosing to live for Him and follow His ways.
Prayer is simply a conversation between you and God. We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud from your heart right where you are at:
Father God, I come before you today in humility as a sinner. I have messed up and sinned before you and I am in need of Your saving grace. I know now that You love me so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to take my place in death and die on a cross 2,000 years ago. Now I ask that You come into my life and come into my heart. Change my ways Father, and help me to live for You now in all I do. I accept Your Son’s sacrifice and I devote my life to You from here on out. Jesus, You are my Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer from your heart, then we believe that you are now in the Family of God! You have a new destiny in heaven to live forever!
We would like to encourage you to get connected in a local church. Join us this Sunday at 10:30am to come and learn more about Jesus and further your relationship with Him! We would love to connect with you!
Also, if you have anything you would like us to pray with you about. Be sure to fill out this form
Be sure to follow us on Social Media to grow in your faith and stay encouraged throughout the week!